Working on Children's intelligence

Mar 17, 2022

' The secret of good teaching is to regard the child's intelligence as a fertile field in which seeds may be sown, to grow under the heat of flaming imagination' - Marie Montessori

Teaching small children essentially involves knowing how their 'intelligence' is and how it can be 'influenced' under adequate care, observation and compassion. It is equally important that teachers know what the researchers have to say in the matter of Children's Intelligence.  Among many, a few fundamental aspects of research are as under.

  • There is nothing like 'fixed intelligence' in any one of us and more so in children. Level of children's intelligence hinges upon the environment in which learning takes place and the quality of stimuli that they receive in the hands of teachers, parents and others. While heredity does play its part in determining mental faculty and intelligence, conditions of teaching and learning play a paramount part.
  • The process of brain growth is rapid and age-specific. It is said that about 50% of a child's intellectual capacity develops by age four and it is about 80% by age eight.
  • A child's need to learn, explore is as strong as its need for food.  It goes without saying that if such a need is not met by the teachers, the growth of a child's intelligence can remain stunted and even jeopardized.
  • Children best learn in a playful condition than in an administered or imposed one.
  • Showing love to children and teaching them how to love the things around themselves is the heart of learning for them.
  • Children listen to tales and stories more than facts and figures. Provide them such opportunities more.  Great Einstein said, 'If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them fairy tales'.

Nitte International School, a leading International School in North Bangalore provides such an environment and ambience for children's intellectual development under the able guidance of its well-trained teachers.

By: Dr. N J Shetty,  Ph.D, M.Com, MBA, MA(Psy), PG. DHRM, PG. DMM, LL. B, CAIIB, D. TD, Pragya, Professor, NSOM, Certified NLP Practitioner, Certified Life Coach, Certified OD Coach.