Affiliated to CBSE New Delhi - Affiliation No: 830332
Mar 24, 2022
The ancient saying, 'Mother is Child's first God and home its first school' holds good at all times. Parents are truly the child's 'heroes'. In the school, teachers chip in to extend that role at least for a few hours a day. Do not look at only the physical/biological age of your child. Your child has three 'ego states' namely 'parent Ego State', 'Adult Ego State', and 'Child Ego State'. Eric Berne who propounded 'Transactional Analysis' talks at length on how each one of us has these three Ego States. You may be a biological parent with all features of growing age while your child has the 'Parent Ego State'. Take care then while dealing with your children. Your tender child at times can throw as many tantrums as you do as a physically aged parent. Positive Parenting is a process of nurturing them with love, care, and attention. Psychologists suggest that we as parents take the following steps towards ensuring the holistic growth of children.
Nitte International School, a leading school in North Bengaluru values the growing needs of its budding students for wholesome development. Teachers are well equipped with child psychology inputs and requirements.
By: Dr. N J Shetty, Ph.D.,
M.Com, MBA, MA(Psy), PG. DHRM, PG. DMM, LL. B, CAIIB, D. TD, Pragya, Professor,
NSOM, Certified NLP Practitioner, Certified Life
Coach, Certified OD Coach.